
IMPORTANT – Please Read
Updated: 1-12-2021

The Internet is a worldwide network of computers that contains millions of pages of information. Users are cautioned that many of these pages include offensive, sexually explicit, and inappropriate material. In general, it is difficult to avoid at least some contact with this material while using the lnternet. Even innocuous search requests may lead to sites with highly offensive content. Additionally, having an e-mail address on the lnternet may lead to receipt of unsolicited e-mail containing offensive content. Users accessing the lnternet do so at their own risk and Vital Records, Inc (“VRI”) is not responsible for material viewed or downloaded by users from the Internet. To minimize these risks, your use of the Internet at Vital Records, Inc is governed by the following policy:

ACCESSING THE INTERNET. To ensure security and avoid the spread of viruses, Users accessing the Internet through a computer attached to VRI’s network must do so through an approved Internet firewall or other security device. Bypassing VRI’s computer network security by accessing the Internet directly by modem or other means is strictly prohibited unless the computer you are using is not connected to the VRI’s network. User Ids, passwords, or accounts created to access the Internet or VRI’s computer network are to be kept in strict confidence. The sharing of User Ids, passwords and/or accounts is strictly prohibited.

FRIVOLOUS USE. Computer resources are NOT unlimited. Network bandwidth and storage capacity have finite limits, and all Users connected to the network have a responsibility to conserve these resources. As such, the User must not deliberately perform acts that waste computer resources or unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others. These acts include, but are not limited to, sending mass mailings or chain letters, spending excessive amounts of time on the Internet, playing games, engaging in online chat groups, uploading or downloading large files, accessing streaming audio and/or video files, or otherwise creating unnecessary loads on network traffic associated with non-business-related uses of the Internet.

VIRUS DETECTION. Files obtained from sources outside the company, including disks brought from home, files downloaded from the Internet, newsgroups, bulletin boards, or other online services; files attached to e-mail, and files provided by customers or vendors, may contain dangerous computer viruses that may damage VRI’s computer network. Users should never download files from the Internet, accept e-mail attachments from outsiders, or use disks from non-Company sources, without first scanning the material with Company-approved virus checking software. If you suspect that a virus has been introduced into the VRI network, notify VRI’s technical services staff immediately.

PERMITTED USE OF INTERNET AND VRI’s COMPUTER NETWORK. The computer network is the property of Vital Records, Inc. (“VRI”) and may only be used for legitimate business purposes. Users are provided access to the computer network to assist them in the performance of their jobs. Additionally, certain employees (“Users”) may also be provided with access to the Internet through the computer network. All Users have a responsibility to use Company’s computer resources and the Internet in a professional, lawful and ethical manner. Abuse of the computer network or the Internet, may result in disciplinary action, including possible termination, and civil and/or criminal liability. Employees using VRI’s Accounts are acting as representatives of Vital Records, Inc. and should act accordingly as not to damage the reputation of the organization. Unless otherwise noted, all software/files found on the Internet should be considered copyrighted work. Therefore, employees are prohibited from downloading software/files and/or modifying such files. Employees are strictly prohibited from loading any non-business related software or files of any nature on any of VRI’s computer related equipment (i.e. laptops, workstations, servers, etc.)

NO EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY. Employees are given computers and Internet access to assist them in the performance of their jobs. Employees should have no expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, send or receive using the company’s computer equipment. The computer network is the property of Vital Records, Inc. and may be used only for Company purposes.

WAIVER OF PRIVACY RIGHTS. User expressly waives any right of privacy in anything they create, store, send or receive using VRI’s computer equipment or Internet access. User consents to allow company personnel access to and review of all materials created, stored, sent or received by User through any Company network or Internet connection.

MONITORING OF COMPUTER AND INTERNET USAGE.VRI has the right to monitor and log any and all aspects of its Computer system including, but not limited to, monitoring Internet sites visited by Users, monitoring chat and newsgroups, monitoring file downloads, and all communications sent and received by users.

BLOCKING SITES WITH INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT. VRI. has the right to utilize software that makes it possible to identify and block access to Internet sites containing sexually explicit or other material deemed inappropriate in the workplace.

Acknowledgement of Understanding

I have read and agree to comply with the terms of this policy governing the use of VRI’s computer network. I understand that violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including possible termination and civil and criminal penalties.